I have embraced the idea because it encourages leaders to empower their followers, engage in critical decision-making processes, solve problems, and deliver timely support (Mastrangelo et al., 2014). The concept makes it easier for leaders to identify every emerging issue and address it efficiently.
The second insight is that of contingency leadership. This theory indicates that leaders should be guided by the emerging issues and attributes experienced in the workplace. According to the conception, leadership models should never be rigid.
Instead, I have understood that the leader should begin by analysing the nature of the existing situation. The next step is redefining or adjusting the leadership approach in accordance with the issues at hand (Bolman & Deal, 2013). With this kind of knowledge, the leader will implement an evidence-based leadership approach that meets the needs of the targeted followers.
The transformational approach to leadership is the third theory gained from the class work. This style is embraced by many managers because it presents adequate guidelines for creating vision and implementing the targeted change.
The leader finds it easier to inspire the followers, address emerging issues, and remain committed to the organisation’s objectives (Martin, McCormack, Fitzsimons, & Spirig, 2014). I find this model meaningful and appropriate for my leadership style.
The fourth insight that will definitely support the dynamics in my organisation is the leader-member social exchange. Commonly abbreviated as LMX, this theory encourages leaders to form appropriate relationships with the followers (Karanika-Murray, Bartholomew, Williams, & Cox, 2015).
This approach guides the leader to provide adequate support and resources to the subordinates. Decisions are made much faster and effectively (Tse, 2014). The ideas associated with the model will definitely make me a successful leader in the future.
Importance of the Insights and Theories to Leadership Effectiveness
The above insights are relevant because they offer evidence-based and practical ideas that can be applied in different organisational settings. The HRM theory outlines the best practices that can be undertaken by companies to manage human capital.
The provision appropriate guidelines, incentives, and training can empower and guide more employees to focus on the targeted goals. The approach goes a step further to identify and address every emerging problem (Mastrangelo et al., 2014). When such issues are addressed, the workers find it easier to support the targeted goals.
The contingency leadership theory provides a manager with adequate insights for managing his or her subordinates. The model begins by acknowledging that different scenarios call for appropriate actions. It is therefore necessary for leaders to examine the needs of their departments and followers (Bolman & Deal, 2013).
This understanding will result in an evidence-based leadership model that is in accordance with the emerging needs. Individuals using the model will make appropriate decisions, implement powerful action plans, and eventually drive performance.
The transformational leadership concept is appropriate for every business organisation. The model guides leaders to identify adequate changes that can result in new cultures and practices. The theory can be used to create and communicate a new vision to the followers. Consequently, the subordinates are guided and empowered in order to resonate with the firm’s vision statement.
Adequate resources, empowerment, and support are some of the best practices that eventually promote business performance. The workers and leaders will collaborate in order to identify the emerging challenges and solutions that can transform business performance (Mastrangelo et al., 2014).
The theory is appropriate because it can transform the profitability and performance of a given business. Managers and leaders who embrace the model will have increased chances of recording positive results.
The leader-member exchange is supported by many managers and organisational theorists because it promotes the best environment for performance. The leader is guided to establish meaningful relationships with the followers. The parties engage in constant exchange of ideas and concepts. The followers receive resources in a timely manner (Tse, 2014).
These approaches eventually transform the visions, ideas, practices, and strategies targeted by the firm. The leadership practice results in positive gains within the shortest time possible. The reduced level of hierarchy will guide, empower, and encourage the targeted workers. The emerging practices will eventually make it possible for the firm to achieve its business objectives.
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